
Importance of being a Christian Woman

Gods art right outside my window!

When you make the commitment to follow Jesus Christ, your making a commitment to completely change your life, to follow the word of God with no exceptions. When you’re a new Christian this concept is hard to understand, but as you read the Bible and grow closer to God, you start to understand what it means to be a Christian woman. Its not just saying a little prayer and then continuing your life as you always have, no its truly submitting yourself to God and leaving the old life of sin behind you.

As woman (and men too…) leaving your old life is harder than you realize. Society pushes so much on us, especially as woman! We aren’t skinny enough, we aren’t outgoing enough, are hair isn’t the right style or we don’t wear the right clothes. So many things that woman today worry about that God never meant to be a burden on us. God created us to be Mans helper, to be leaders of woman, to be mothers, to give God the glory through our loving and meek spirit. And we learn about what type of woman we are supposed to be in God’s word, The Bible.

The Bible exalts women and holds us in high importance, while society wants to degrade woman, distort us and make us “just like men” and making it seem as though they are liberating us. When I look to society for my worth I feel ashamed and unworthy of life, but when I look to God for my worth I feel beautiful, supported, strong and loved. I feel like I have a true purpose in life and I know I am only going to find that purpose though the word of my Lord Jesus Christ.

In Genesis 1:27 and 5:1-2 we are taught that woman and men are created in Gods own image and created equal; but we have different roles, important roles! Woman work together with there husbands as vital roles in the structure of the family. We bear children and nurture them; we support our husbands, we influence the world through our actions, we are an important part in the hierarchy God created. It’s important that we respect and honor the hierarchy/headship God created because it is an important foundation in properly supporting the Christian family.

In 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16, Paul explains the importance of headship and how its supposed to be displayed in our lives. We are called to imitate Paul because he imitates Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ showed complete submission to God even though he was equal to God, and God wants that same submission shown in the Christian family unit. Because God created Men first, he put them in headship of the Wife and family. This does not mean that we as woman are inferior to Men, but we are to follow Gods ordained order of headship and submit ourselves to our husbands just as Jesus submitted himself to God. (You can read more on why I cover in my Blog Why I wear a Covering).

There are many places in the Bible that explain the important roles of Woman in Gods kingdom and shows woman praise. One that I love to read the most is in Proverbs 31:10-31. Now this is a portrait of the perfect wife, that seems impossible to live up to, but I love this image that is portrayed by King Solomon. It shows how important a wife really is to her family and how strong and beautiful a biblical wife can be. Another place I enjoy reading is when Paul gives praise and recognition to the women he ministered alongside in Romans 16:1-6 and even in 2 Timothy 1:5. Biblical Men know the importance of a biblical woman and have respect for them. The husband can build the house with his hands, but the wife makes the house into a home with her love and nurturing touch. Woman are just as important as men in society, dare I say it, woman are the key ingredient to make it all work. We work together, and only working together makes the family unit truly work the way God intended.

Woman are so prominent in society that even our appearance has an effect. If we show off our body with cleavage and short skirts, the world notices; if we dress modestly and show our submission to God, the world notices. That is why the way we act and dress is so important, we can either give praise to God through our actions and be respected or we can lead our brothers and sisters in Christ to sin by being provocative and losing the respect we deserve. Woman fashion has changed so much through the years, while men have stayed mostly the same, it’s so important that as Christian woman we are careful to not fall into what society says is “ok”.

Our feminine virtue and character are important, not what society pushes on what woman are supposed to be. Scripture does not downplay our abilities as women or discount our intellect. Scripture honors us as women and God encourages us though scripture to seek honor in our own unique way (Proverbs 31:10-31). I’m still growing as a daughter of Christ, and I choose to follow Scripture because it is the word of God and as a Christian my main purpose in life is to follow and give glory to God. As I grow and learn in God’s word, I want to share my journey with you and maybe give some insight and encouragement as you go through your journey as well.

If you have questions or if there are any topics you wish to discuss, please subscribe and shot me an email and I will be happy to answer your questions.

Thank you, and God Bless,

The Covering Christian Mom

P.S. : A Book I recommend that puts into much better words what I am talking about is John MacArthurs Book Twelve Extraordinary Women: How God shaped woman of the Bible, and what he wants to do with you.

I Have not personally read this entire book but I have read snippets of it and heard his sermons about Biblical woman, so it is definitely on my read list and should be on yours as well. Use my link to purchase below!

Works Cited:Illuminated Bible: Art Journaling Edition. ESV. Crossway, 2015

I am a wife and mother of six beautiful children, striving to be a bible believing Christian and use God's word to live out my day to day life. I want to be an example and support other women to rely on the word of God. Let us be women of Psalm 31 and Titus 2, let us show Gods headship in 1 Corinthians 11, let us be worthy image-bearers of YHWH which was only made possible by his grace and sacrifice!

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