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    Why it’s Important to Teach our Children God’s Word a Home

    Why is it so important to teach our children about the bible at a young age? Isn’t Sunday school or Wednesday night’s children’s church enough? Eventually they will grow old enough that they can start reading the bible on their own, right? I wish that I could answer yes to these questions, but the truth is the answer is no to all of them. As parents, it is our job to make sure our children are learning, growing and understanding life, especially the bible, because growing closer to God should be at the center of all of our lives. Throughout the bible we are commanded to teach our children the…

  • Devotionals/Sermons,  Theology,  Uncategorized

    Having a Friend named Jesus!

    I’m sure you have heard the hymn often played in churches all over and radio stations… “What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry, Everything to God in prayer!” I’ve been singing this song to my kids a lot lately, and looking closer to the words, made me really ponder what this song is really saying. Listen to this recording I made of this song… I did the first and last part of this song without any instruments because I wanted each word to be heard without any distraction. Feel free to look up the entire song, the words…

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