About Me

Wedding Day

My name is Kara and I have spent the last 30 years of my life going through so many changes, some of those changes have been wonderful experiences and some have been nightmares, but all the changes and trials in my life have been blessed by God and given him all the glory. I wasn’t always a bible believing, Jesus following, head covering Christian woman. I didn’t even fully give my life to Christ until right before I met my wonderful husband, Eddie. Our first couple of years of marriage was hard because I was still growing in my knowledge and faith, I wanted to keep falling back into my old ways. Now granted I was 19 when Eddie and I got married, so I still had some growing up to do in general. But God was faithful and he helped us through those hard times and we grew together in our walk with God. We got into deeper bible studies and spent time in his word. We have had some amazing spiritual conversations over the last 12 years. God blessed us in our faithfulness! Many times.

In the last almost 11 years I have given birth to 5 amazing children: Aubrey (10) is full of life and is the smartest little girl I have ever met who loves to keep learning; Amariah (7) has so much joy its contagious, she loves to spread laughter in our house; Allister (6) is my one and only boy, he is full of energy and is a bit of a clutz, but is so full of love; Adalee (4) is my dark haired princess, full of spunk and giggles, her smile melts my heart. She was also my first homebirth, which was the greatest experience of my life. Then we have Ameah (2) the one who looks nothing like the rest of her siblings with her blond hair and beautiful blue eyes, she is so smart and full of life that I just sometimes stand there to watch her. You may think that after 5 beautiful blessings God would be done, but he wasn’t! We had a surprise blessing that was born 7 weeks after Ameah. We always talked about adopting one day but had no plans to do it anytime soon, but our plans don’t always align with Gods plans, and Gods plans are always better! Thus began our Journey in adopting Aliza. I’ll get into more about her adoption in another post. It was a stressful and wonderful process but she is officially ours and we love her more then we could have ever imagined. Watching her and Ameah grow up like twins has been a joy.

I’m only 30 years old and I know God is not done with me or my family yet. We are still going through good and bad times but are looking toward the Lord and keeping our faith in his plan. God has a plan for all of us, he lays out who he wants us to be in his word. My dream is be all that God has set out for me to be, the Proverbs 31 woman, the best wife and mother I can possibly be. I want to be a woman other woman, including my daughters, look up to. I want to be a picture of a Biblical woman. I want to grow closer and closer to God, because that is what is most important in life, and I am praying this blog will give praise to God and help myself and other woman walk more closely with him.

Amariah, Allister, Adalee and Aubrey
Aliza and Ameah
Virginia Beach Summer 2022
Aliza’s adoption
Christmas 2022
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